
in the house of shock-headed peter

it's always good to have an incentive to produce new work - for example a drawing competition to reimagine your favourite french character! i chose gaston - the lovable but chaotic inventor/office clerk. this was the work of one frantic night spent trying out all the pens and colours i haven't used in a while ...

alas, i didn't win a prize, but gaston was chosen for the exhibition in the struwwelpeter-museum frankfurt (struwwelpeter = shock-headed peter). if you're wondering, this is the hipster version playing pokémon go (see the tiny pikachu trying to escape?). didn't change his attire, because dufflecoats are timeless. my friend filiz karahasan deservedly won with her version of ariol, the blue donkey boy - so fluffy! the museum is a great space with many quirky exhibits. the competition entries are only on show until the end of february, but the "struwwelpeter recoiffé" exhibition of struwwelpeter reimagined by fourteen great french artists is ongoing.


getting down to business

here's what i did in spring: i illustrated a brochure for the 25th anniversary of MBS, the munich business school. they celebrated with 25 interesting profiles and interviews with people who have been part of the school's history, what they've been up to and the projects they are involved in.
below are some of my favorites and a peek into my project folder - i especially liked their idea to feature a mirror on the last page!




365 days to go - my daily creative challenge for the new year

hello there 2017, i have decided to write/scribble/draw/doodle something for you every day from now until 2018 - follow me on instagram and check if i am keeping up with my #dailydraw challenge! with just over two weeks in, here are a few of my favourites so far:


let's buy some music!

at the end of the year i did a project with my favourite secondhand record store, no. 2. i created an ad for the vinyl magazine "mint", and then adapted the image for a tote bag. this was a lot of fun and i'm looking forward to more musical projects!




merry christmas and stuff!

this is my card for christmas 2016. it translates to "cozy, cinnamony, crumbly, crackling, shiny, red-cheeked christmas!" - hope you all had a good one!